Introducing our

Pharmacy costs continue to rise. Our Broker Rx Program is a solution for your self-funded groups to save significant money on their pharmacy spend. Finally, a way to think outside the box to reduce the increasing cost of pharmaceuticals!

Here are 6 reasons that our Broker Rx Program is a great choice for you and your self-funded groups.

Share the Savings

You are eligible for compensation under our profit-sharing model and your client still saves significant money.

Save Your Clients Money

Clients are seeing savings anywhere from 30-80% per prescription. Generic and brand name medication available.

Retain Clients

Client retention is easy when you are offering services that other brokers can’t. Build your toolbox and other broker’s can’t compete.

Build Your Book

When prospecting, if you have services that other brokers simply can’t offer and a solid plan for saving money, it makes growing your client base easier.

Hands Free Service

Your client saves money, you share in the profits and we do all the work. Simply introduce your clients to Broker Rx and we will take care of the rest.

Be a Visionary

Over 10 states and a large number of counties, towns, cities and municipal employee plans introduce some form of prescription import program.

Find Out More! It will only take a minute

Simply click the Find Out More button to learn more about this exciting new program. Ready to bring a group over and see how quick the saving pour in? Click the Sign a Group Up button.